Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hiding Behind a Mask

“You are wearing a mask.” Present girls hide behind the figure of what society wants us to be and on the inside “have a dangerously fragile sense of self.” Alcohol Abuse, self mutilation, and under age sexual intercourse, have bad implications, but did you know many teenage females in today’s society are participating in one or more of these things? In the May 10th edition of MacLean’s, Dr.Leomard Sax, a family physician, wrote an article called “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls”. This article describes the average lives and problems of teenage girls from excessive stress which can lead to cutting themselves, binge drinking and their views on sex. Our society is always changing and teenagers and adults need to learn to accept and adjust correctly.
These days, “…the average teenage girl is more anxious than the average girl admitted to a psychiatric unit for in-patient treatment 50 years ago.” Dr. Sax is correct when he says that psychologically girls are “waking up at two in the morning upset about the pizza she ate for supper.” Distinctly different he compares this to boys who “eat a whole pizza for supper and doesn’t bat an eye.” Most girls cut or burn themselves because “its real” not fake. Our society puts so much stress and pressure on teenage girls to be perfect that they are obsessed with being “the best student, or fastest runner.” In a study published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal two years ago using people age 14 to 21 they found that if you compare teenage boys and girls you will see that “only eight percent of boys but 24 percent of girls were cutting and burning themselves.”
Dr. Leonard Sax states that in one of his most recent studies statistics had proven that “about 55 per cent of university students being treated for alcohol abuse are female.” It has been stereotyped in the past that it male teenagers were abusers but now it’s all changing. Liquor is more toxic for woman because we “metabolize alcohol differently [then] males.” Ironically most female teenagers binge drink because they are stressed out and under to much pressure and this is their way of getting away and releasing all the anger and frustration. They are being the common cliché of “booze fixes everything.”
Sex used to be about intimacy but in this day and age its now about getting attention. It used to be that boys cornered girls at a party and persuaded them to perform oral sex, “a girl servicing a boy.” Now it’s a girl cornering a boy and “giving them blowjobs” and all they want is the attention. The sad and pathetic part is that girls are seeing no problem with it being this way. The boys of course aren’t complaining because they are getting satisfied. Teenage girls need to realize that we are more then objects; we are people and this is not the way people should act or portray themselves.
Teenage girls do worry too much, and a lot of girls use sex and drinking as a way out, or to feel better about them selves, and that is not the right way to deal with it. Parents and friends need to sit down these girls and explain that there are other ways to release this pressure in a healthy manner. Harmful habits like these will not help you grow up. You need to mature and become an adult and venture onto university or other things. Dr. sax is correct in stating that “girls drink too much”, are “cutting or burning themselves” and saying that teenage girls channel sex in a wrong way. Instead of criticizing, putting down and makes girls feel worse he should help.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Parents are Perfect

Adults; preferably parents are all perfect. Some people though would refer words like mature, compassionate, and understanding. Others would use words to illustrate parents such as double standards, immature, and repeated user of the saying “oh whoa me- why the f*ck did I have kids?!”
Adults have kids because they think they can raise the perfect child. You would be surprised, they can in their minds. The child grows up to just get by in school, throw parties, get drunk and do drugs, car chases and getting in trouble with the police. But this is entirely the kids fault; has absolutely nothing to do with the parents. Their child gets called into the office and starts throwing around inappropriate words to the principal; where were these words learned? They start getting angry and walk out slamming the door along the way while the principal is still disciplining them for their actions; who taught them to control their anger and respect elders?
In life everyone needs to take responsibility. Just like parents who are so eager to take accountability to their kid’s good grades, trophies for sports, and other awards. They refuse to take the blame for the trouble their kid gets in; because their kid is perfect. Your son/ daughter never gets into trouble, does any harm or mouths anyone off. They always open the door for the elderly, and are exactly where they say they are at all times, nor do they ever lie to you.
You set an example for your children. Don’t worry if you get drunk in front of your kids and make it look like your having a great time. They will not want to experiment; they hate doing experiments in science class. Why do one outside of school? The whole double standard issue is not a problem. You have a bowl of ice cream before bed; that is fine mom and dad because I know when I open the freezer to get a 1 scoop of ice cream I get a huge speech on how “I am going to bed soon and sweets at this time are not appropriate and will rot my teeth.”
Adults; preferably parents are perfect. They all have great morals and outlooks on life. They all raise their children to be perfect little saints and take responsibility for every right and wrong action their children make. Your children grow up to be you; the image of their perfect ideal.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Can Express My Opinions Too

“Christians are perfected Jews”. Is this correct? Do I have the right to say that statement in public or on national television? I have the right to; but as a Canadian I was brought up with respect and was against racism and all other forms of offending people.
After the September 11th bombing on the World Trade Towers in New York City, Ann Coulter stated that “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.” With her extreme right wing opinions her visit to Canada has caused a huge uproar. She attempted to speak at Ottawa University but was not able to because of security measures and she felt unsafe. Canadians in general have been agaisnt her political views and religious views. It is not appropriate if she comes here and speaks her mind; her views are distorted and her facts aren’t straight. She opinions are disrespectful, ignorant and she should have consquences for her extreme negelgence of peoples feelings.
In section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights Act, everyone has the right to express freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. So technnically she is staying in the Canadian laws but thinking outside the box and being very contraversal about it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lecture from a parent

I have always been the girl next door and am always the life of the party and this has been a problem for me over the years. Right now I feel like I am walking on egg shells as I am marching home past my curfew from a party. I already know what my mother will say to me; “You’re drunk as a skunk”, “You look like you have been hit with an ugly stick” and ask me if I was “dancing with the devil”. One thing you need to understand about my mother is that she is little over the top. So I decided to walk into my house with my actions speaking louder then words and raise hell! I’m pretty sure that my mom woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning at 2:00 am to stir up trouble with me. She begins screaming bloody murder but it ends up she is just yanking my chain. So I decide to go up to my room and fall head over heels into my bed and sleep like a baby.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Try and Catch Me!

If I could have any incredible super fantastic never turn off until your dead, maybe even later, super hero power it would be to teleport anywhere in the world. Teleporting clearly is the most superior superpower! Teleporting as my super power would mean I could travel to anywhere in the world instantaneously. I could go partying in New York, Milan, and everywhere else in the world in one night and still be home in time for my mothers curfew. "The coolest kid in school" would be my nickname because I would be able to travel to the original Starbucks and back before my English class started; with my "Venti, double shot, extra whip, Peppermint Mocha." Still piping hot! With my crazy teleporting skills I would be the greatest soccer goalie of all time. No one would be able to score a goal on me. I could teleport anywhere on the field and stop the ball. With this incredible super fantastic never turn off until I am dead, maybe even later, superpower I could travel for free! All these examples clearly show why this is the best super power ever. No other super power even compares; and if you have a problem with this, TRY AND CATCH ME!